3 votes

What’s the correct translation for Roman’s 4:3?

Below is the Received Text, The Textus Receptus (TR), rendering of Romans 4:3: Episteusen de Abraam tw Thew ...kai elogisthe autw eis dikaiosunen which reads "And Abraham believed God ...and ...
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What’s the correct translation for Roman’s 4:3?

It can mean both. In this case, I think it was wise to use and should be "counted" or "credited" as opposed to "reason." Let's look at all the words with "reason&...
Jason_'s user avatar
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What’s the correct translation for Roman’s 4:3?

Yes. Translating "logizomai" as counted or credit is just as correct as "reckon." The definition of "reckon" in English is a verb when used with an object that means to ...
Gina's user avatar
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What is Paul saying in Galatians 2:17-19?

The gist of the matter is that Paul attacks those who, even having accepted Christ with faith, still are prone to practice the works of Law. Now, having accepted Christ means that we have relegated ...
Levan Gigineishvili's user avatar

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